
What We Do

Great relationships are built on good communication.

And, if you’re a business, good communication means talking to staff, suppliers, customers and anyone else that, from time to time, you may wish to influence and inform. Our job is to help you choose the right channels, fit the content to the purpose and make sure you’re heard.

That might involve writing a press release for local or business media; almost certainly it will include social media messaging. It could be that you need us to author a bid document that communicates just how good you are, or sometimes just to create the right environment and let the organisation and the individuals do the talking for themselves.

Traditionally, all these communication roles have been siloed in different departments or with multiple outside agencies. At LGA we’re fortunate in having access to expertise in every area that influences how an organisation is perceived.

Using our combined skills and experience across a diverse range of industries, including PR, project support and corporate entertainment, we can help you start some great conversations.